
‍Seamless Payment Request Solution

Request-to-Pay is a comprehensive payment solution designed for businesses that allows them to easily request payments from their customers through various channels, such as email and QR codes. With customizable templates and branding options, businesses can create and send payment requests to their customers with ease.
#Product Discovery  #UX Design  #User Testing  #Usability Testing
Duration: 8 weeks


Businesses often struggle with payment processes, especially when requesting payments from customers. Traditional payment methods can be time-consuming, error-prone, and lack transparency, leading to delayed payments and unhappy customers. Request-to-Pay by Gini offers businesses a solution to these challenges by simplifying payment requests, providing real-time updates, and offering a variety of payment options for customers.

Collaborative Goal

Our collaborative goal was to transform the existing product ideas into an MVP with the smooth and efficient User Experinece.
Problem Statement
How might we create a user-friendly and efficient payment solution that simplifies the payment process for businesses?

My Role

In this project I played a key role in shaping the overall user experience of the product and worked closely with the main stakehholder to ensure that the design aligned with the business goals and vision. Additionally I have collaborated with the UI Designer who applied a clear, consistent and aethetically pleasing UI to the provided UX. Through my contributions, I helped to create a streamlined and efficient payment solution that improved the payment process for businesses and their customers.

Main Challenge

The main challenge was to create a branded Gini User Experinece that can be smoothly integrated into the business partners mobile banking applications that already have their brand identity.

Our Process



On this project I collaborated closesly with Demis Estabridis, Head of Innovation at Gini in order to understand the customer needs of the future product, what is the status Quo ( how do customers ''solve their problems'' right now) and what are the company's business objectives of this project.



After I collected all the necessary information we have build User Jorney Map, User Flows and based on them I have created Low-fi prototypes. As a next step we collaborated with Istvan Tamas, the UI designer on this project, who created a visually appealing Hi-Fi mockups.



On the last stage I have performed user testing with 5 different users in the online interview format. After that testing we collected some feedback that we used to minor UI optiimizations.

In 2023
Request-to-Pay is among the nominees for the Germany eCommerce Awards in the “Best Payment Solution "

Final Product